By running TeamViewer our service staff will ask for your ID and the corresponding password. By providing this to us you are consenting to the transfer of your screens content to us.
Please note that our service staff performing a Teamviewer are permitted only whilst you are on the phone with us and present.
Our service representative will connect with your system for the required length of time needed for the solution of your request to the photo service. By closing TeamViewer you can always cancel the connection to your system at any time. The program used can therefore be deleted after the required session.
We do not record Teamviewer sessions and do not collect any personal data, other than what you provide to us for the purpose of your query.
The use of this service is connected to you with no cost.
CEWE assumes no liability for not caused by their faults or loss of data, even if they are close to the time given support.
Our privacy policy can be found at the following link: